Amezing Benefits of Strawberries

 SMTV Desk 2019-01-04 12:37:38  Strawberries Benefits,Health Tips,
 Amezing Benefits of Strawberries

The benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds, including strawberries, are varied. As plant food consumption goes up, the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer goes down.

A high intake of fruits and vegetables is also associated with healthy skin and hair, increased energy, and lower weight. Increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables significantly decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality.

[Three strawberries]
Strawberries have been found to hold a multitude of health benefits.
Strawberries boast a range of potential benefits to the health and can help protect against a range of diseases.

1) Heart disease
A Harvard study found that regular consumption of anthocyanins, a class of flavonoids found in berries, can reduce the risk of a heart attack by 32 percent in young and middle-aged women.

Women who consumed at least three servings of strawberries or blueberries per week fared best according to a study published in Circulation journal.

The flavonoid quercetin, contained in strawberries, is a natural anti-inflammatory that appears to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and protect against the damage caused by low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in animal studies.

The high polyphenol content in strawberries may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing platelet build-up and reducing blood pressure via anti-inflammatory mechanisms.

Other studies have shown that eating strawberries helps to lower homocysteine levels, an amino acid in the blood associated with damaging the inner lining of arteries.

The fiber and potassium in strawberries also support heart health. In one study, participants who consumed 4,069 milligrams (mg) of potassium per day had a 49 percent lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease compared with those who consumed about 1,000 milligrams of potassium per day.

2) Stroke
The antioxidants quercetin, kaempferol, and anthocyanins have all been shown to reduce the formation of harmful blood clots associated with strokes. High potassium intake has also been linked with a reduced risk of stroke.

3) Cancer
The powerful antioxidants in strawberries may work against free radicals, inhibiting tumor growth and decreasing inflammation in the body.

4) Blood pressure
Due to their high potassium content, strawberries are recommended to those with high blood pressure to help negate the effects of sodium in the body. A low potassium intake is just as big a risk factor for developing high blood pressure as a high sodium intake.

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, fewer than 2 percent of American adults meet the daily 4,700-milligram recommendation for potassium.

Also of note, high potassium intake is associated with a 20 percent reduction in the risk of dying from all causes.

5) Constipation

Eating foods that are high in water content and fiber, like strawberries, grapes, watermelon, and cantaloupe can help keep the body hydrated and bowel movements regular.

Fiber is essential for minimizing constipation and adding bulk to the stool.

6) Diabetes
Strawberries might be an excellent choice for people with diabetes.
Strawberries are a low glycemic index food and high in fiber, which helps to regulate blood sugar and keep it stable by avoiding extreme highs and lows.

Strawberries are a smart fruit choice for diabetics, as they have a lower glycemic index (40) than many other fruits.

Researchers discovered in 2011 that eating about 37 strawberries a day can significantly reduce the complications of diabetes, such as kidney disease and neuropathy.

The study showed that fisetin, a flavonoid contained in abundance in strawberries, promoted survival of neurons grown in culture and enhanced memory in healthy mice, along with prevention of both kidney and brain complications in diabetic mice.

7) Pregnancy

Strawberries are a great source of folic acid.

Adequate folic acid intake is essential for pregnant women to protect against neural tube defects in infants.