Benefits Of Cauliflower And Its Side Effects

 SMTV Desk 2018-12-31 13:37:42  Cauliflower,health Benefits,
Benefits Of Cauliflower And Its Side Effects

Hyderabad, December 31: Cauliflower derives its name from Latin caulis which means cabbage with a flower. Like broccoli, kale and cabbage, cauliflower is a vegetable that belongs to the Brassicaceae family. The cauliflower has florets on its head which are also known as curd. They are tightly clustered and consist of immature flower buds attached to a central stalk. Cauliflowers are protected from the sunlight to prevent development of the chlorophyll pigment and over-maturity. This protect the flavor and softness of the cauliflower heads.

Nutritional Value of Cauliflower
Cauliflower is packed with a range of nutrients that is sure to provide you with a host of health benefits. One regular serving of cauliflower contains 77 percent of the recommended daily value of Vitamin C. It is also a good source of Vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, manganese phosphorus, fiber, vitamin B6, folate, pantothenic acid, potassium and manganese. It is very low in fats and that comes from unsaturated fats and Omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains small amounts of natural sugars.

Fights cancer
Sulforaphane, a sulphur compound is present in cauliflower. They can kill cancer stem cells and, thereby, slow down tumor growth. Cauliflower also has isothiocyanates which have chemopreventive and anti-estrogen effects that help to prohibit the growth of cancer cells. Consumption of this vegetable helps in the reduction of risks of various types of cancer like lung cancer, bladder cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer.

Takes care of your heart
Sulforaphane which is present in cauliflower helps to increase blood pressure and kidney function. It is believed by scientists that sulforaphane’s benefits are related to improved DNA methylation. This is crucial for normal cellular function and proper gene expression, especially in the easily damaged inner lining of the arteries known as endothelium. Healthier arteries mean a better functioning heart.