Overdose of Vitamin A leads to...

 SMTV Desk 2018-10-09 14:28:51  Vitamin A,Ulf Lerner
Overdose of Vitamin A  leads to...

Vitamin A is an essential vitamin that is important for numerous biological processes including growth, vision, immunity and organ function. Our bodies are unable to make vitamin A but a healthy diet including meat, dairy products and vegetables should be sufficient to maintain the body s nutritional needs.

Acoording to new study, undertaken in mice, found that sustained intake of vitamin A, at levels equivalent to 4.5-13 times than human recommended daily dose, caused significant weakening of the bones, and suggests that people should be cautious of over-supplementing vitamin A in their diets.

Dr. Ulf Lerner an American vitamin researcher says"Overconsumption of vitamin A may be an increasing problem as many more people now take vitamin supplements. An overdose of vitamin A could be increasing the risk of bone weakening disorders in humans but more studies are needed to investigate this. In the majority of cases, a balanced diet is perfectly sufficient to maintain the body s nutritional needs for vitamin A."