TTD sanctions 188 crore - Tirupathi town

 SMTV Desk 2016-11-02 05:19:26  TTD 188 crore tirupathi town chairman mana gudi programme
TTD sanctions 188 crore - Tirupathi town

Tirupathi Nov 2 : The trustees of TTD board approved Rs.188 crore for the development of Tirupati town in the part of Mana Gudi Programme.TTD Chairman Ch. Krishnamurthy said,"that the works which mostly relate to civil and electrical also include those already executed as well as under progress and those to be taken up in a short span of time".Extending to that they also said ," The board thinking to built an exclusive building complex at Tirupathi for Sri Venkateswara Bhakthi Channel at Rs 14.50 crore and and at Tiruchanoor a complex named Nitya Annadanam at Rs. 5.20 crore.They also added Rs 2.67 lakhs has been sanctioned to the simha vahanam for gold malam works and two Aradhana Peetams for silver lining at Rs 5.60 lakh and 165 kg of silver for designing works of Chandraprabha Vahanam.In both the Telugu states it was going to organize under eighth phase of Mana Gudi programme.