CM KCR to rejenuvate Panchayat Raj System

     Written by : SMTV24x7 | Sat, Nov 04, 2017, 06:42 PM

CM KCR to rejenuvate  Panchayat Raj System

Panchayat Raj system is the decades-old aim of our leaders who fought for freedom and secured independence. Nearly 60 % of India lives in villages.To Strengthen the village system from first Prime Minister Nehru has bought the panchayat raj system.Mahatma Gandhi has said that "Villages are the backbone of India".

Village heads almost dealt with the problems locally whenever possible. Water Power, roads etc all needs can be dealt in a proper way with village rejunevation.The efforts of the government for a strong Panchayat Raj was weakened due to lack of funds and various other reasons.

Currently, Telagana State CM has decided to rejunevate the Raj system we may expect betterment. The CM has also directed the officials to revamp the system by visiting best practices followed by other states especially Kerala.

CM KCR has said that population of 500 including tribals would be considered as panchayats so that the benefits would reach to remotely located tribals who live in forests. He has also suggested to release the funds directly to panchayats by passing various authorities so that development in villages take place in a rapid manner.

Many tribals have hailed the CM efforts and said that at least they would get recognition if 'Thandas' would be converted into village panchayats and their lives would become better off in coming years.