From now, No EAMCET in Andhra

 SMTV Desk 2017-01-04 15:24:04  Andhra Pradesh,Ap,govt,eamcet,NEET
From now, No EAMCET in Andhra

Vijayawada January 4 : Confusion over the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) continues with diverse views emerging on, whether the Telugu States are exempted or not, and students are in a dilemma whether the seats will be filled based on the ranks of EAMCET (or) State ranks to be given by the NEET.Now the confusion had comes to an END.Now-a-days EAMCET value has been decreasing eventually due to lack of scope in Engineering, whereas In the previous year Govt decreased the Engineering colleges more than 100 which doesn t insist proper lab facility and faculty. Even though, there are many Empty seats left unoccupied.By viewing the point, it seems, Govt Of AP will not conduct the EAMCET as they faced so many problems in the previous year. And the Decision is only left to Supreme court.There is an information that, Govt of A.P is going to conduct a conference raising the problems of Students in that.