New Twist in Hardik Pandya Case

 SMTV Desk 2018-03-22 19:06:59   Hardik Pandya, fake account,
New Twist in Hardik Pandya Case

New Delhi, Mar 22: A Rajasthan court on Wednesday directed Jodhpur police to file an FIR against India allrounder Hardik Pandya for an alleged tweet on Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar. But as it turns out, the tweet came from an account which doesn t belong to the cricketer. The tweet was posted from account @sirhardik3777, while Pandya s verified account is @hardikpandya7. Currently, the account with @sirhardik3777 username could not be found. It could not be confirmed whether the account existed at all. However, the fake account seems to have been deactivated/deleted as of now. According to petitioner D R Meghwal, Pandya, on December 26, 2017, posted a comment on his twitter account, which insulted Ambedkar and hurt the sentiments of the people of his community.