Innovative solution to curb pollution

 SMTV Desk 2018-03-13 19:54:28  Innovative, Pollution, CO2, MIT, plastic
Innovative solution to curb pollution

Washington Mar 13: Currently many people worry about pollution caused by plastic and also the amount of Carbon dioxide released during the manufacture of concrete which is the second most widely used the material in the world after water.To reduce the menace of increasing pollution the scientists have discovered found out an eco-friendly method of concrete construction.Researchers at MIT found out that Mixing plastic in concrete would improve the strength of concrete by 20 % and also reduce the pollution created by the new material and would also help in the better recycling of plastic.special manufacturing processResearchers said that plastic as such cannot be added to concrete as direct addition showed that the concrete formed was brittle and it collapsed easily. so they designed a new manufacturing method in which # plastic bottles/waste would be converted into flakes.# the flakes would be exposed to low-intensity gamma rays which increases the strength of plastic# radioactive exposed plastic would be pulverized and added to concrete as an additive