Navjot kaur wins Gold,Sakshi Malik grabs Bronze Medal

 SMTV Desk 2018-03-03 18:37:49  India, Women,Wrestlers,Navjot kaur , Sakshi malik, Gold,Bronze medals
Navjot kaur wins Gold,Sakshi Malik grabs  Bronze Medal

New Delhi Mar 3: Indian women wrestlers have created history.Ace wrestler Navjot Kaur became the first Indian woman wrestler to win a gold medal in the Senior Asian Championships.The woman has won a medal in the 65kg freestyle category in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on Friday.She has won against Japan s Miya Imai 9-1 in the final bout.This was also India s first gold in the ongoing championships.Earlier Rio Olympics bronze medallist Sakshi Malik has won the bronze in the 62kg freestyle category. She has defeated Kazakhstan s Ayaulym Kassymova 10-7.With the win of two medals India has won a Total of six medals in the championships which consisted a gold, a silver and four bronze medals.