Air Pollution causes depletion of calcium in body

 SMTV Desk 2018-02-28 19:19:59  Pollution, Calcium,defeciency, bone fracture
Air Pollution causes depletion of calcium in body

Washington Feb 28: The Lancet Planetary health journal published some side effects of pollution. The more the pollution there is a possibility of our bones becoming brittle.Pollution causes deficiency of calcium.The survey also showcased that when pollution is more than PM 2.5 ,people visit the hospitals for the treatment of Bone fractures.Columbia University (US) Public Health department oficial Andrea Baccarelli says clean Air means strong bones and less fractures.Between 2003-10 some about 690 subjects were tested from poor localities and low paid people. In Places Pm 2.5 and Higher level pollution the residents had parathyroid problems which were caused due to depletion of calcium. Finally the doctors have urged the people to take precautions such as consuming high calcium diet such as egg, milk, vegetables and meat so that the problems can be controlled to a ceratin extent.