Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak openly said he cannot stand Trump

 SMTV Desk 2018-02-24 20:50:12  Apple, Co-founder, Steve Wozniak, openly, Trump
Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak openly said he cannot stand Trump

New Delhi, Feb 24: In a yet another strong disapproval of the way US President Donald Trump functions, Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak on Saturday said that he "cannot stand" Trump."I can never stand Donald Trump. The way he treats people is very negative. I may like his policies, but from now on, I will make sure I never attend any event where members of his family are present," said Wozniak at the two-day ET "Global Business Summit" here.Donald Trump Jr, son of US President, spoke on the first day of the summit. Trump Jr was earlier scheduled to speak on "Reshaping Indo-Pacific Ties: New Era of Cooperation" but it was changed to a fireside chat at the last moment.