South African Bowler Vernon Philander about virat kohli

 SMTV Desk 2018-01-09 19:21:15  South Africa,Bowler, Philander,virat kohli,first test
South African Bowler  Vernon Philander about virat kohli

Cape town Jan 9: South African Bowler Vernon Philander has responded over the win against India in the first test in South Africa.India has lost the test match by 72 runs after they were bowled out for 135 runs in second innings chasing a total of 208 runs.South African Bowler who took 6 wickets has said that "Virat is a good player and an aggressive player. The key thing is to obviously keep him quiet and to make sure you set him up for the other one. Initially, it was for me to keep him quiet upfront, and I always knew I had the one coming back".The bowler has added that "It was probably two-and-a-half overs of away-swingers and then the one back at him (Kohli). It was definitely a plan to keep him quiet, and also to drag him across to make sure that when you do bowl the other one, he is on the other side of the off-stump.I was not worried about his DRS review. I knew it was stone dead".The second test would begin from Saturday.