Messi will be free, leave Barcelona; If Catalonia becomes independent

 SMTV Desk 2018-01-05 21:57:36  Messi, free, leave, Barcelona, Catalonia, independent
Messi will be free, leave Barcelona; If Catalonia becomes independent

Barcelona star striker Lionel Messi has ensured he could become a free agent if Blaugrana no longer plays in a major European league as a result of Catalan independence, Spanish media wrote today.The contract Messi signed last November includes a clause that he must remain a Barcelona player only as long as the club is playing in "a top-level European league."Catalonian nationalists proclaimed independence from Spain after a referendum on October 1, precipitating a crisis which is still unresolved.The Spanish civil and football authorities have said repeatedly that Catalan secession would end the participation of the region s clubs in the Spanish League.If Catalonia becomes independent and Barcelona are booted out of La Liga and cannot persuade another major league (France, Italy, Germany or England) to give them a home, Messi could leave without having to pay his 700 million euro ($843 million) buyout clause.