Indian Flag hoisted in reverse direction in Capetown

 SMTV Desk 2018-01-04 14:57:14  Indian Flag, India, Capetown, South Africa, cricket
Indian Flag hoisted in reverse direction in Capetown

Caperton, Jan 04: Team India is ready for the Test Series against the South Africa that will kick-start from January 5, 2018, onwards in Cape Town.Here all the necessary arrangements have been completed and the hosts managed to avert a huge embarrassment involving the Indian national flag.The Capetown Stadium management, thanks to the quick thinking of some of the ground personnel, corrected the faux pas they made while hoisting the Tricolour. The Tricolour was first hoisted upside down, and was seen fluttering with the green side up, clearly visible against the backdrop of the table top mountain that overlooks the stadium. It stayed like that for the earlier part of the Indian team training till someone noticed and quickly hoisted it again the right way.