Viswanathan Anand Remains Unbeaten to Win World Rapid Chess Championship

 SMTV Desk 2017-12-29 11:30:04  Viswanathan Anand, World rapid
Viswanathan Anand Remains Unbeaten to Win World Rapid Chess Championship

Dubai, December 29: Viswanathan Anand has won the World Rapid Chess Championship title in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Thursday after 14 years. In the final, Anand beat Russia s Vladimir Fedoseev to reclaim the title he had won in 2003. It reflected in his tweet following the win where he wrote, "Thanks all!! Feeling is like floating. My head keeps playing the song… we are the champions! The words ring so true. More on this moment after the blitz!". President of India Kovind has said that, Congratulations Viswanathan Anand for winning the World Rapid Chess Championship. Such determined pursuit of excellence across decades makes you an inspiration for all of us. India is proud of you