Ravi Shastri Slams Dhonis Critics : They should look themselves in Mirror

 SMTV Desk 2017-12-26 17:59:10  Ravi Sastri,Dhoni, critics,Mirror, 36,T20,ODI
Ravi Shastri Slams Dhonis Critics : They should look themselves in Mirror

New Delhi Dec 26: Indian Cricket Coach Ravi Sastri had slammed the critics who urged that MS Dhoni should retire from ODI and T20 as he is 36 and more young talent needs to be encouraged. The Coach has said that they should instead look at what they were like when they were 36.The Coach in an Interview has said that "We are not stupid. I have been watching this sport for the last 30-40 years. Virat has been a part of this team for a decade now. We know, at this age, he can beat players aged 26. People who talk, forget that they played the game. If they look themselves in the mirror and ask the question, what they were at the age of 36? Would they have run two runs faster? ".Sastri added that "But the time they finish two, this guy will run three. Then he has won only two World Cups and averages only 51. Till today you don t have a wicket-keeper to replace him in the one day team."He added that "He is still one of the best around, not only in the Indian team but the world. Some of the things you see with him are not sold in the market. You will not get it anywhere else. The fact that he does not play Test cricket, means he should be playing as much cricket as possible till the World Cup in 2019."