Japan court nods green light for Nuclear Reactors

 SMTV Desk 2017-06-13 16:33:46  Tokyo,japan, nuclear reactors, court, Earth Quake
Japan court nods  green light for Nuclear Reactors

Tokyo, June 13: A good news for Government of Japan. A Japanese court on Tuesday has ordered to reopen two nuclear reactors despite heavy public opposition. Local residents have urged the court not to reopen the reactors but they have failed in their argument.Experts feel that latest judgment is a victory for the government which is proactively promoting Nuclear Energy.Local residents lost their bid when an injunction order to block the re-firing of the No.3 and No.4 reactors at the Genkai nuclear plant in southwestern Japan was dismissed by the court.The people have filed case arguing regarding safety concerns.The site is operated by Kyushu Electric Power.The reactors were damaged due to a deadly earthquake which occurred last year. The court ruling assumes significance because recently a week ago another nuclear reactor located at Takahama plant in Fukui prefecture was switched on.Currently, 5 nuclear reactors are opened and much more are switched off. Japan had shut down all of its atomic reactors after a powerful earthquake in March 2011 had damaged nuclear reactors in the country.