Anand secure a draw in Altibox Norway Chess tournament

 SMTV Desk 2017-06-07 13:02:14  Norway,India,GrandMaster,Vishwanathan Anand
Anand secure a draw in Altibox Norway Chess tournament

Norway, June 7: A match was drawn yesterday. Indian Chess GrandMaster Vishwanathan Anand has drawn the match against Maxime Vachier-Lagrave of France in the first round of the Altibox Norway Chess.Anand has played with Black pieces.He had drawn the game in 44 moves. He has secured a half point in the match. and his opponent has also received half point.Currently,10 members are participating in the tournament. Experts say that Magnus Carlsen of Norway is the favorite player, Wesley So of United States will also be another tough competitor.There would be 9 rounds of the tournament and these matches will be played in Round robin league. Let s hope that Anand performs better in next matches of the tournament.