Shake Hand may cause Disease

 SMTV Desk 2017-05-16 18:08:43  shake hand, bacteria, disease
Shake Hand may cause Disease

HYDERABAD MAY 16: We cannot directly see the Bacteria, but if we are able to see them then we can find more than the world s population (more than 670 crores) in our hand.Are you thinking how they appear..? where will they stay in our hand.? Coming to point, Not washing the hands neatly after eating anything, # Touching different materials, # human beings, giving shake hands, # placing the palms on walls, # doing the journey in autos, and so on....... By touching them Bacteria will enter into our hands, they will grow up and will be spread to different places.* 90% of diseases are spreading due to not cleaning hands neatly, according to Medical Experts.* Inorder to prevent all these Bacteria growing and spreading we have to maintain our hands neatly.* So, we have to wash our hands with soap and water, after playing with pets such as dogs, Before going to Eat, after Eating, after playing in sand, After traveling to some place, etc.* By pouring water, Bacteria will not die, we have to clean them neatly with soap. * If we stay neatly and wash neatly everytime bacteria will not develop and there by our surroundings are also will be in a healthy manner.