Vegetarian dangerous for children

 SMTV Desk 2017-05-13 17:04:09  vegetarian, children, hospital, advice,non vegetarian, health
Vegetarian dangerous for children

LONDON, MAY 13: Are you Providing just vegetarian to your children?Do you Want them to be fully vegetarian? But be careful !! "The European Association of Pediatric, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) experts are advising that without the adequate medical advice and dietary supplements, Providing Vegetarian to children will give problems. They do not take food and medical advice. Specifically, the DNA creation of Vitamin B-12, which plays a vital role in the nervous system, is low in calcium, zinc and other Nutrients will be less. "When we have identified the both Non-Vegetarian and vegetarian babies, Non-Vegetarian babies are narrow and younger compared to those who eat meat. To be totally vegetarian, they should follow the appropriate medical treatments and dietary practices.