Rahman will not do movie like Baahubali

 SMTV Desk 2017-05-08 17:55:00  AR Rahman,Baahubali,Virtual Reality movie,will not do
Rahman will not do movie like Baahubali

Chennai May 08: Oscar Award winner AR Rahman, recently made his directorial debut with Le Mask which is a Virtual Reality movie. The VR movie stars Nora Arnezeder, Guy Burnet, Munirih Grace and Mariam Zohrabyan.Rahman believes movies like Baahubali aren t suitable for Virtual Reality. He explains, "Viewer gets tired after experiencing VR for some time. The pressure would be more while watching a war sequence in Baahubali ."Rahman would never make a grand film like Baahubali for two reasons [i) There are other Directors who are capable of handling such projects, ii) Lack of Budgets]. In his words, The Composer admits not having Rs 200 crore to make something on par with Baahubali . Music Maestro feels VR is the future. Hence, He collaborated with PVR to explore the latest technology for creating beautiful visuals.