US Drone 37 XB sucesfully completes 2 years in the sky

 SMTV Desk 2017-05-08 14:48:22  US Drone, 37XB, NASA,Sky,MIssion
US Drone 37 XB sucesfully completes 2 years in the sky

Cape Canaveral: A US space drone named 37 XB has been in the sky for last 2 years.The drone is expected to land safely in space station soon.The drone was sent into the sky for a secret Space Mission by NASA.The officials say that the drone was launched from the space station on May 20, 2015.The drone is being built by Boing company.The details of the mission for which the drone is in the sky for 2 years is yet to be known.Let s hope that this drone lands safely and NASA gathers its required information.