More fat in the Belly region leads to

 SMTV Desk 2017-04-28 17:39:59  risk factor,fat,belly fat
More fat in the Belly region leads to

England, April 28: Do you think that you are healthy because of your BMI right?Don t frame the conclusion that having good BMI is sufficient to be healthy because good BMI is not the factor affecting your health.The Other Factors affecting The health are fat contained in lower abdomen /stomach plays a major role in Heart problems rather than BMI. This Factor was confirmed by scientists of Universities School of Sports, Health and Exercise located in Britan.The scientists have conducted a survey on 42000 people for a period of 10 years.The details of the survey are they classified people based on BMI into 3 different classes and they further subdivided based on the whether they contained fat in the stomach.The health profiles of these peoples were constantly monitored for 10 years The results of the Survey are as follows The people who contained with fat in the stomach with healthy BMI are more prone to heart attack than people without fatFinally, scientists say that don t grow fat in the stomach and get the heart attack.