Marriage Registration is Compulsory

 SMTV Desk 2017-04-25 18:12:24  Hyderabad,marriage,registration compulsary
Marriage Registration is Compulsory

Hyderabad April 25: How do we treat our wives during Marriages?Well, most of the men say we treat them specially but the actual case is different do you know the reason?I think most of us don t know the reason, so to find out the reason lets check this article.The main reason we don t treat women well during /after marriage is that we don t register our marriage with concerned government officers.Are u shocked to hear the above statement and wondering how does register a marriage has a connection with the welfare of your wife?Then check this out Registering marriage helps you and your wife in following ways1) It gives legal sanctity to your marriage.2) It gives your wife a government help such as Kalyana-Lakshmi and Shaadi Mubarak(if found eligible)3) To get a part of husband wealth in case you and your wife get separated/divorced.4) To prevent further marriages and also as a witness in the courts.5) To prevent against dowry discrimination.6) To prevent marriages without having any evidence.7) To prevent child marriages.8) Helps during foreign travel to be recognized as your life partner.So now you got how will marriage registration help so let s check the process of marriage registration1) The marriage can be registered free within 30 days of marriage and with a fee of Rs 100 within 60 days by submitting a specified form and apply it for specified officer.2) After filling form containing all details about our marriage make sure that parents and relatives of both sides sign the form in presence of the officer3)Now the officer enters the marriage enters the details in the registrar book.your marriage is registered. we can also register the marriage at the place of the marriage.Marriage Registration Act 2002: Andhra Pradesh state has enacted marriage registration act in 2002 and is being in force from 2006. This act is applicable to all people in the societyAccording to the act, every marriage must be registered compulsorily and they have delegated responsibilities to the following officersMarriage Registrar General, District Registrar(District level), Municipal Commissioners (Municipality level) and Panchayat officer( village Panchayat).So finally register your marriage and treat your wife with love and protection.