worlds first atlas of internet developed

 SMTV Desk 2017-04-20 12:04:40  internet atlas evolution of internet
worlds first atlas of internet developed

Washington April 20: the Scientists working on the internet have developed the first global Internet Atlas — this includes a detailed map of the internet s physical structure in India. The atlas was developed by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the US and their collaborators. scientists said that the idea of developing atlas came from the fundamental question that how does mapping of internet servers contribute to security. the researchers said that the mapping of the internet is essential to understand the evolution of the internet. The scientist said that the atlas developed is a landmark in the evolution of internet because it helps in many crucial areas of world defense systems such as submarines.scientists informed that the data used by them for developing Internet Atlas comes from publicly available information, such as what internet service providers publish on their websites. scientists have developed over 1,200 maps worldwide including India.The scientists are looking to upgrade the maps even further and share their work so it can be deployed by others to boost network performance and security.