Summer tips

 SMTV Desk 2017-04-17 15:00:03  Summer,tips,beat the heat
Summer tips

It s just April, but the temperatures already soaring above 43 degrees C could mean that the worst of summer is yet to come and we should be prepared for it.Here are a few tips to survive the summer heat:Plan your day around the heat to avoid outdoors for long durations, particularly between 11am and 3pm – which is the hottest part of the day.Apply sunscreen whenever you step out to prevent sunburn and other skin problems caused by harmful UV rays.Wear light coloured, loose fitting cotton clothes.Carry a water bottle with you if you go outside.Drink plenty of water – at least 8 to 10 glasses a day – to keep your body hydrated. Try drinking water even if you do not feel thirsty.Avoid or limit intake of alcohol and caffeine as they can lead to dehydration.Do not smoke.Eat light, small, frequent meals. Include fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, cucumber, lettuce, celery and radishes, which are all made up of over 95% water.Avoid spicy food.Avoid vigorous physical activities when it s hot outside.Ventilate your home by keeping your windows open. However, close all your windows, doors and also shut curtains when it is hot outside.Inculcate personal hygiene habits in your children, ensuring that they remain clean and get rid of illnesses.Infants who are less than six months should be frequently breastfeed to keep them hydrated.Follow your doctor s advice in case you have any medical conditions.Keep a track on the weather forecast.Incorporate the above guidelines into your lifestyle to stay healthy this summer!