Depression in Software Employees

 SMTV Desk 2017-04-13 18:11:52  Hyderabad,depression,software employees
Depression in Software Employees

The Hyderabad Hitech city had fully busy with the IT professionals in respected firms like IT, BPO, KPO etc. The IT employees have been facing the depression problems according to the organization for economic cooperation and development survey.The main reason for depression is, The top companies are holding the night shifts and extra hours for the the result, they are resulting in a huge pressure.From this point of view, they are getting health disorders like lack of sleeping, sexual disorders, and psychological problems, the research said.mainly youngsters who are in between the age 25-40 are getting more problems with depression.To overcome the problem they have to some exercises, and yoga tips to avoid the depression problem.Don t go with alcohol, tea, coffee, cigarette: With the huge pressure employees are often to drink more tea and coffee some of the employees will be addicted to alcohol and cigarettes in order to overcome the pressure.IT will lead to damage your body.So avoid it.Eat these foods: By having the Dark chocolates, beans, fishes, eggs, oats u will overcome the depression