Heart patient injected with anti-rabies vaccine at state clinic

 SMTV Desk 2017-04-09 19:17:42  Kolkata,electrocardiogram (ECG),private polyclinic,Heart patient,
Heart patient injected with anti-rabies vaccine at state clinic

Kolkata, April 9: A heart patient fell ill after he was given anti-rabies vaccine at a private polyclinic in West Bengal s Nadia district, the victim said on Sunday.Vidyut Sarkar, a resident of Nadia district s Chakdaha, went to CBDA polyclinic for an electrocardiogram (ECG) on Saturday morning but he was administered an anti-rabies vaccine by one of the attendants there."The doctor asked me to do an ECG as my heart condition was critical. But when I went to the clinic they injected me with an anti rabies vaccine instead. I am feeling ill and having allergic problems since the incident," Sarkar alleged.The management of the polyclinic admitted the mistake. They said the faux pas happened due to misunderstanding as the attendant apparently mixed up the names of two consecutive patients with the same last name."There were two consecutive patients with the same last name. Sarkar entered the chamber in place of the other patient named Subir Sarkar who was supposed to be given the vaccine. He neither listened to the announcement properly nor clarified the issue before the injection was given. This was a case of misunderstanding," said the manager of the clinic.However, the clinic authority put the attendant under temporary suspension after the incident."We accept there was a mistake from our end. The attendant should have been more careful while giving the injection. We have put him on temporary suspension since yesterday (Saturday)," the manager said."We let the patient talk to our doctor and assured that there would be adverse no side effects of the injection. If the patient feels any discomfort he is welcome to our clinic for treatment," he added.