Exercise is injurious to health

 SMTV Desk 2017-04-03 17:13:06  Exercise,injurious,health
Exercise is injurious to health

Hyderabad April 03: The fact that we are aware of that doing exercises every day keeps you healthy and fit. But few of us will be doing it every time, in order to develop a good structure.This may lead to other effects. If you think that shouldn t happen, then you must follow the above steps.(i) As soon as after doing exercises, it is mandatory to take rest. Just because, Due to the pressure, during the exercise, there will be a slight disturbance inside. So, in order to get the muscles recovered, there should be a small gap instead of doing continuously. If it is still continued, the muscles become weak instead of becoming strong.(ii) Generally, when we do exercises, the metabolism becomes active which indeed burns the calories. But, if you do more and more, the metabolism will slow down. So, the weight put gets ON instead of weight put OFF.(iii) Doing exercises, without any limit will fluctuate the hormones and effects much. And that situations give rise to increase in weight and will become the reason to grow unwanted hair.(iv) Sleeping more time and sleeping less time are the features of one who do more and more exercises. If those are observed, it is better to avoid exercises.