Know the reasons behind Divorce?

 SMTV Desk 2017-03-22 11:10:03  couple,divorced,silly,reasons,EGO
Know the reasons behind Divorce?

Hyderabad, Mar 22: Invoking the current status of marriage it is to be said that nowadays marriages have become a silly thing to most of them. Even we know everything done on behalf of marriage, we could agree the thing that marriages are made in heaven. When we have a look at a couple of today s generation, especially the people of metropolitan cities are more in number when compared to the others.And when they are posed by a question Why divorce?Simply they reason it as a misunderstanding. But, they couldn t solve instead they ll try it break-up there itself.While some of the women say that they have been tortured for additional dowry by their Mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and husband. Apart from that for not satisfying everyone in the home with her work.Equal to the men, women have also been working and earning. Some women even earn more than their husbands. And they say that..."When we both are earning the same, where is the need for him to dominate me in all the manners?" say few women.The perfect and exact reason they say that we have EGO problems in between us. So, they say " she has to compromise first because its all her mistake and I ll never try to convince her for no reason.According to the information from Hyderabad police station, Just in the span of one-year so many cases has been raised in the name of divorce.Instead of registering the divorce, the council members have been counseling them not to visit the Centre again. Spending a lot of time with the couple they have been teaching the principle values of the family and the relation between husband and wife.Till now, 98% of the cases have been solved and they had withdrawn their application and leading their happy life with the joy in their relations.The cases are as below.578,328,145,189,685cases has been raised before completion of one year/Second/Third/fourth/fifth year onwards. These cases are generated by their ego and misunderstandings.126 cases of illegal relationship with other, 765 harassments cases, 457 cases in the form of additional dowries, 328 cases are alcoholic harassments by the husbands.For this, all the cases police have been counseling in-depth for the couple in order to live the life happily.So guys never misunderstand each other try to solve the situation in an exact manner, share ur feelings with your spouse, live long happily ...