Parents responsibility

 SMTV Desk 2017-03-21 16:35:38  children,parents,responsibility
Parents responsibility

Children are like baby plants. They are sensitive in nature. They are treated as plants that mean to say they are in starting stage and should try to know each and everything by the parents.It is the responsibility of the parents to teach ethics (or) principles regarding the moral values. If not they will suffer a lot in their future. Let s see, what are those values:(i) Children do learn most of the things from their elders. If their elders lie, children will also habituate to lie. If they found that their elders are very honest and genuine, Children will follow the same.(ii) Children won t accept many things as said by the parents. Also, Parents won t accept many things when ordered by the parents. This has to be stopped. Parents should let them know how to respect the views of others.(iii) Parents should also teach their children to respect each nad everyone and also there should be no hate regarding anyone. (iv) In our life, we will be struggling with many difficulties. In order to overcome those, we have to insist patience in us. Note:This is not only for Children but also for parents. When parents start following, Children will follow you. So, that there will be a strong result.Have a happy parenthood!!