Make sunscreen soap at your home

 SMTV Desk 2017-03-19 16:00:10  Saop,summer,sunscreen,home,skin,problems
Make sunscreen soap at your home

During the summer we have been witnessed the skin problem on the face or on skin, in order to protect our skin we often use the sunscreen lotions.To think differently we have to make our own sunscreen lotion in our home.First of all, you need Coconut Oil,shea butter,cocoa butter or mango butter (or a mix of all three equal to 1 cup)beeswax, non-nano Zinc Oxide,a few drops of vanilla or essential oil for scent (do not use citrus oils!)empty deodorant containers for an easy-to-apply solutionHow to make sunscreen Soap::Combine all ingredients in a double boiler, or a glass bowl over a smaller saucepan with 1 inch of water in it.Turn the burner on and bring water to a boil. Stir ingredients constantly until they are melted and smooth:Remove from heat and add the zinc oxide powder and essential oils.Gently stir by hand until essential oils are incorporated.Carefully pour into molds or whatever you will be allowing the lotion bars to harden in. I used these silicon baking cups, though any mold would work. This recipe exactly filled 12 silicon baking cups when I made it.Allow the lotion bars to cool completely before attempting to pop out of molds. These could be made in different shaped molds for different holiday gifts (hearts for valentines, flowers for Mother s day, etc.) or made in a square baking pan and then cut into actual bars.They can be stored at room temperature or in the fridge or freezer for longer term storage. Keep below 80 degrees or they will melt! Adjust coverage to your needs and be careful not to burn while determining how long you can spend in the sun with these.