Email instructions

     Written by : SMTV24x7 | Tue, Mar 14, 2017, 01:29 PM

Email instructions

Are you applying for any new job? (or) asking leave for the day from your BOSS, for this generally we use the email platform.

Here are the few tips on how to write the mail to ur boss (or) any company (or) any firm.

* As technology got improved we are lacking in exact content. we often use messenger and Whatsapp frequently, and that content will not suit the mail, Try to extract your content briefly.

* You have to write your mail with clear-cut information and don't put any requests like "Awaiting for your reply" and "Please reply".

* Your have to write clear cut information without any lagging the information.

* Check your mail before sending it will help you to correct your mistakes

* Whenever sending the resume to one of the leading company never wrote any fake details in resume try to put accuracy information on your resume

* After sending the mail or any resume never ask the person "Please reply" instead of wait and call to the concerned person via phone.