Beliefs needs Transformation

     Written by : SMTV24x7 | Sat, Nov 18, 2017, 06:55 PM

Superstitious beliefs needs Transformation

Currently, many people resort to blind beliefs when things go out of control.However, science questions that beliefs and people would know the truth of that beliefs.These beliefs when they hurt someone's life are called Superstitious beliefs and some people earn there living by using this beleifs and they perform some tricks to ensure that people visit them.

However, some people even inculcate this beleifs right from childhood in the name of tradition,culture, and religion.However these days people put these beliefs to question and some beleifs haven been endorsed by science and rest must be discarded.

Some spiritual leaders claim that science cannot deliver answers to many questions as they are beyond its purview.Many people are often in a dilemma because they believe that science doesn't endorse religion, however Indian tradition has a great history of usage of science long before the modern science and medicine has emerged. But many people claim that we don't need history.

However, there are some draconian beliefs which need to discarded irrespective of religion and these social reforms .earlier Sati was originated to protect the women from the exploitation of kings and other rulers.Later as time has passed Raja Ramohan Roy has fought against it and it was abolished.

Some superstitious beliefs have undergone a transformation.However, lack of education and health facilites in the villages are the main cause for widespread of this beleifs but as time progress they villagers too are getting educated.

However one needs to exercise caution that in the name of reforming the society as per science traditions and cultures are not disturbed as India is well known for its tradition and culture which is the main fabric of the country and it rests on the principle of unity in diversity.