Sarahah App unsafe

     Written by : SMTV24x7 | Mon, Aug 28, 2017, 03:08 PM

Sarahah App unsafe

Hyderabad Aug 28: A shocking news has emerged.
An 'honesty app Sarahah' has found to be unsafe.currently, the app is used to send or receive anonymous messages.

Sources have found out that the app has been found uploading the user's phone contacts on to the company's servers.Security officers at Bishop Fox a security firm have discovered the truth about the app.

They claim that the company was uploading private information, using a monitoring software BURP Suite. They have also said that "As soon as you log into the application, it transmits all of your email and phone contacts stored on the Android operating system".

However, the company responded and said that "contact lists were being uploaded for a planned find your friend's featureā€ that was not yet released.

Finally, experts have warned the customers to be careful before using apps so that their data is not leaked.