India Israel freindship reach new Heights

     Written by : SMTV24x7 | Wed, Jul 05, 2017, 07:05 PM

India Israel freindship reach new Heights

Israel July 5: A new friendship between two countries has reached heights. Indian PM Narendra Modi is winning the hearts of people all over the world. Currently, the PM is in Israel and his visit is breaking all the barriers of the world.

PM on Wednesday has visited 26/11 Mumbai Attack Survivor Moshe Holtzberg an 11-year-old child and his nanny Sandra Samuels. He has extended him a long term visa for Visting India.He has also visited Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu to visit India and the prime minister has accepted his Invitation.

Earlier speaking at an occasion Israeli Prime Minister has said that the friendship between the two countries is just like "match made in heaven”. PM Modi has said that "I For I = India For Israel".

The two leaders have signed 7 agreements in the following sectors

* India-Israel industrial and technological fund would be set up

* Water conservation.

* Reforms in Agriculture in India.

* GEO-LEO optical links.

Experts have hailed the agreements signed by the government and said that these agreements would boost India's Agriculture .they have also said that India has a missed an opportunity to ink deals with the country in defense cooperation .they feel that America might have pressurized the country from stopping the deal.

They have also said that the PMs visit would send a strong message to a world that India is no longer a small elephant but it is taking steps to transform into a giant lion to counter the dragon which is in the country.

Let's hope that India's new friendship will be supported by all other countries so that India would soon become a developed nation.