Cancer can be detected by Blood Test

     Written by : SMTV24x7 | Tue, Jun 06, 2017, 05:19 PM

Cancer can be detected by Blood Test

New York, June 6: Now, Cancer can be detected with a blood test that accurately detects several types of cancer years before symptoms appear, It can also find ou before 10 years, Researchers said.

Professor belongs to Memorial plan Catering Cancer Center invented this research and named it as 'Liquid Biopics'.

One new study presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting in Chicago was to 124 patients with advanced breast, lung, and prostate cancers.

In 89 percent of patients, at least one genetic change detected in the tumor was also detected in circulating tumor DNA in the blood.

In a second study presented at ASCO on 199 patients with pancreatic cancer, detectable circulating tumor DNA was found in 56 percent of them. This included 43 percent of those with the earliest stage of the disease.

The test scanned a very broad area of the human genome, or complete DNA set comprising 508 genes and more than two million base pairs, or letters, of the genome with high accuracy.

Among the academic and commercial efforts, underway to develop reliable blood screening for cancer is that of US firm Grail, which is backed by 77.5m of funding from Bill Gates and Amazon chief Jeff Bezos and has set a goal of introducing such a test by 2019.