YInMn Blue discovered by Scientists

     Written by : SMTV24x7 | Mon, May 15, 2017, 11:41 AM

YInMn Blue discovered by Scientists

LOS ANGELES, May 15: A new shade of blue which is 200 years old was discovered by an Indian-origin scientist.

The pigment 'YInMn blue' was discovered in 2009 when scientists of Oregon State University (OSU) in the US were experimenting with new materials.

Mas Subramanian who discovered the new shade of blue said that "many discoveries in science happen by accident and this discovery is one among them".

He also said that "Blue colour represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, heaven, and intelligence,"

We know that Cobalt Blue was discovered in 1802 by French Scientists.

"Crayola company said that we will introduce this colour in our new crayon products".

Scientists said that YInMn refers to the elements yttrium, indium and manganese, which along with oxygen comprise the vibrant pigment.

Finally, children to have another shade of Blue along with existing shades such as Sky Blue, Cobalt Blue, Royal Blue, Duke Blue, True Blue etc ...