Benefits of LukeWarm water

     Written by : SMTV24x7 | Fri, May 05, 2017, 01:36 PM

Benefits of LukeWarm water

In any Season we prefer to drink Tea. But Drinking one glass of Luke warm water instead of Tea will provide many benefits to your Body.

Drinking water is essential to a healthy body and lifestyle. Many health and skin experts agree that drinking water is important to make you fit and give you soft and youthful skin.

Here are some simple tips, follow them....

* Luke Warm water can reduce your weight, nowadays girls are doing many exercises and maintaining their diet to look slim, it is possible with this.

* It increases the Temperature of your body and makes your digestive system will be accelerated, and overweight can be in control.

* Glow of your skin will be increased.

* Adding two drops of Honey with Luke warm water will reduce your wrinkles and provides you youthful skin.

* Lemon will increase your Immunity power by adding it to Warm water.

* You can drink a glass of Warm water, to relieving your body pains. It acts as massage to your Muscles.