Board of Intermediate reduced affiliation fee

     Written by : SMTV24x7 | Thu, Apr 13, 2017, 05:28 PM

Board of Intermediate reduced affiliation fee

Hyderabad April 13: The affiliation fee of the junior colleges has been reduced, Said Interboard officials in a statement.

The reason behind the reduction is as they increased the Affiliation fees recently. From this perspective, many of the college officials had the protest that reduces the feeses, so they reduced by one percent, how ever the there is no change in Inspection fees.

The application for the college affiliation has been extended up to April 25, the colleges should use the opportunity says board officials.

Inter board president Ashok said that The college officials may apply the affiliation for an extra amount of 1000 rupees on or before April 30 and 3000 rupees on or before may 5th respectively.