Eating while working may leads to....

     Written by : SMTV24x7 | Fri, Apr 07, 2017, 06:38 PM

Eating while working may leads to....

You should accept the thing that many of us do not follow the time coming to our food. And we will eat by doing something (or) watching something else. But you think that you have completed it.

That's the absolutely wrong thing to do. We could only survive by the food. So, we have to give the time for it. Spend that few minutes for yourself. If you can plan it, perfect, why can't you follow it?

Here are the simple steps to overcome the issue:

# The fact we never accept that, When compared to male, females are more enthusiastic in conducting the party (or) in attending the parties. During the work, much consumption of food may lead to fat storage in your body. So, try to consume the food very low in the parties. This may not effect your body so far.

# At least walk for 10 minutes in the office, if you avoid the walking after eating cake, the plenty of calories will be generated in the body, which leads to heavy fat.

# Being busy in the office, most of the times, we may not follow the time. If this continues to happen, you may be attacked with diabetes in the future.

# Vitamin D is a kind of vitamin which helps to improve the strength in the body. Mainly women do need it so far. Because they will have no time to spend in the sun rise. This helps in their bone strength.

If you are very much concerned about your healthy than anything else, do follow the time in your food. So, that you'll have a good health in your long survival.