SSC examination started late

     Written by : SMTV24x7 | Sat, Mar 25, 2017, 01:08 PM

SSC examination started late

Hyderabad, March 25: The Four Educational officers have been suspended for providing the SSC Question paper to students late for 20 minutes.

While depth into matter, Mahaboonagr District, Torroor Mandal has been conducting the SSC exams, on the day Friday, the students having the maths exams. At the time of the examination, the officials of the education department had issued the social paper instead of Maths paper.In results, students have been delayed their exam.

Later, the officials had arranged the original question papers to the students.The exam has been delayed for 20 minutes.The students get the additional time for the exams.

The four officials are suspended by the senor officials for wasting the valuable time of the students.