SSC Exam with no objective

     Written by : SMTV24x7 | Sat, Mar 25, 2017, 12:49 PM

SSC Exam with no objective

Hyderabad March 25: Telangana Education department has keen to plan the removal of Objective type question in the final exams of SSC for next academic year.

The main reason for this is, As technology got improved, the officials leaking the objective paper before the exam only, In results, this leads to allow the mass copying, In order to overcome the problem they are removing the objective type.

Instead of objective paper, they are going to arrange the small descriptive questions, like intermediate exam type.

In several examinations, the objective paper was leaked in social media network like what's app, in the form of screenshot. In results, the students will get the more marks.

Generally, Every subject have 20 marks bits in their exam while the Hindi paper has only 10 marks because it's having the only one paper. So 80 marks are content oriented and while 20 marks have an objective type.

If they remove the objective type marks, sure the percentage of the pass candidates will decrease drastically, so Education department dilemma that the govt will accept the plan or not? we have to see.

Sitting squads everywhere: Educational Department Commissioner G Kishan had told that Everywhere we are arranging the squad in order to curb the mass copying.MPDO's Tahasildhar is acting as a Squads said, commissioner.